samedi 20 décembre 2008

clarence man clarence man (1983)

sterling harrison (1981)

shadow shadows in the streets (1981)

pierre you lied (1983)

rumples- stilts-skin ((1981)

home boy & the c.o.l. (1982)

fallen angel go for the ride (1983)

dizzy k escuse me baby (1982)

dizzy k sweet music (1984)

david grand david grand (1983)

bonnie boyer give in to love (1980)

tom browne browne sugar (1979)

tom browne tommy gun (1984)

tom brown rockin' radio (1983)

tom browne yours truly (1981)

tom browne magic (1981)

tom browne love approach (1979)

this is eleanore mills (1975)

thelma jones thelma jones (1978)

sins of satan thou shalt boogie forever (1976)

reid inc reid inc (1978)

mort shuman sex o'clock usa (1976)

juicy juicy (1982)

houston talent expo '82 (1982)

delores hall (1979)

confection confection (2007)

chill fac_torr (1983)

carol townes and fifth avenue (1978)

alfonzo alfonzo (1982)

thomas mc clary (1984)

laso laso (1977)

cuba goodind 1st album (1978)

cuba gooding love dancer (1979)

gene redding blood brother (1975)

cloud one funky disco tracks of (1978)

cloud one atmosphere strut (1976)

cleveland robinson cleveland (1976)

danny offia & the friks funk wit me (1981)

brooklyn dreams brooklyn dreams (1978)

brooklyn dreams sleepless nights (1977)

perry & sanlin we're the winners (1981)

perry & sanlin for those who love (1980)

brenda and the tabulations i keep coming back for more (1977)

sidney barnes food stompin' music (1978)

brylho brazillia (1983)

ndugu & the chocolate jam co do it make you feel beter (1980)

the chocolate jam co the spread of the future (1979)

the checkmates we got the moves (1977)

the antilles (1982)

terry huff & special delivery the lonely one (1976)